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Video: 9yr old programs a DN Solutions Cobot

Video: 9yr old programs a DN Solutions Cobot

DN Solutions Cobot’s are so easy to program even a 9 year old can do it! APT Customer MK Machine & Engineering was setting up their new turnkey lights out DN Solutions Cobot Cell and DN Solutions PUMA2600 SYB II operation, when this youngster’s...
Machinist Side Projects #1: Casey Machine

Machinist Side Projects #1: Casey Machine

APT and sister company Syracuse Supply are highlighting customer machine shops and the innovative side-projects that they have created over the years. In episode #1, Pete Szulc from Casey Machine Company, discusses three hobby components developed in his shop. These...
APT Machine Tool & Supplies Scores Big!

APT Machine Tool & Supplies Scores Big!

APT was recently presented with two awards from DN Solutions Machine Tools. One award was for Outstanding Sales and the second award was for Special Recognition as being one of the top dealers in the Southeast region in 2020. Being that we did this through the year of...
The PUMA SMX5100L Can’t Be Stopped

The PUMA SMX5100L Can’t Be Stopped

Sometimes, even a 9-axis mill-turn isn’t enough. For those cases, go with the machine that’s built for some of the largest workpieces on the planet: the PUMA SMX5100L. It’s the largest member of the SMX family, and it’s ready to get to work. Get More...