Phone: 321-280-2482

In-stock Machines

DN Solutions
DNM 4500S

With an install base of over 30,000 machines all over the world, the DNM Series is a fully-featured staple of the Doosan product line. The remarkably wide range of these productive vertical machining centers guarantees one thing: You’ll easily find the right DNM for your shop.

For more information on this machine, click here.

To inquire on pricing, email Kevin McCarthy or call at 716.583.0382

M013 Cobot

M-SERIES is the highest quality premium cobot! 6 high-tech torque sensors provide the highest dexterity for highly sophisticated tasks and ensure the upmost safety with the highest collision sensitivity.

For more information on this machine, click here.

To inquire on pricing, email Kevin McCarthy or call at 716.583.0382


APT is an exclusive distributor of many other high quality CNC Machines.
To acquire information/quotation on any machine manufactured by one of our line of vendors, contact us directly at 321.280.2482.